Roll20 Tips and Tricks
Here’s a few common issues when wrangling Roll20 and how to solve them, as well as some cool macros.
Remove an Unremovable Character

Ever been in a position where a character has been imported into a game room with the characters page, so you right click on the character and click “remove from game” but nothing actually happens? It feels as though the character is stuck in your game room. So you rename the character “Delete Me” and put it in a quarantine folder or something.

This red button does not actually work.

If this happens, open the character sheet, and pop it out into a new window by pushing out the pop out button.

Then, you should see something that looks like this at the top in a new browser window.

There’s a portion of this URL that we want. It’s the portion between the two / (slash) right before the word true. Copy that portion of the URL, including the leading - hyphen if there is one.

Now, open your browser’s console. On Firefox, this can be done by pushing Ctrl + Shift + K (or Cmd + Option + K on macOS), and on Chrome it can be done by pushing Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Option + J on macOS). On other browsers, you can Google how to do it.

In the console, you need to type and paste the following code, except replace FOO with the portion of the URL you copied earlier:

window.currentPlayer.d20.journal.findJournalItem("FOO").attributes.ownedBy = null;

In my case, based on my screenshots, I would have typed this:

window.currentPlayer.d20.journal.findJournalItem("-1535590185_9767394").attributes.ownedBy = null;

Push enter to run this little snippet of code. Then, you can delete the character as normal.


Sure enough, it won’t be there anymore, and it won’t even be there if you reload the page! How about that.

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Divine Smite

Make sure you have Global Damage Modifier enabled in the settings tab.

Then, copy and paste the following into the Global Damage Modifier, and name it Divine Smite.

?{Divine Smite Strength|Divine Smite I,2d8|Divine Smite II,3d8|Divine Smite III,4d8|Divine Smite IV,5d8|Divine Smite V,6d8}

If you have the Great Weapon Fighting Fighting Style, then use this macro here instead of the one above. (Not to be confused with the Great Weapon Master feat.)

?{Divine Smite Strength|Divine Smite I,2d8ro<2|Divine Smite II,3d8ro<2|Divine Smite III,4d8ro<2|Divine Smite IV,5d8ro<2|Divine Smite V,6d8ro<2}

It will ask you what level you want to smite at when you roll damage.

Pick the level you’re smiting at. Don’t forget that Smite caps out at a 4th level slot spent. You can spend a higher level slot but it doesn’t increase the damage. Also don’t forget that if the target is a Fiend or Undead, it increases the level by one. This is why Divine Smite V is an option - if you smite a fiend or undead with a 4th-level slot, you should pick this one.

When you roll damage, it’ll automatically roll the extra dice for crits as well, if you crit.

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Elven Accuracy

Go to the Attributes and Abilities tab at the very top of the sheet.

Add a new ability on the right column called "Elven-Accuracy" and copy and paste this text into it.

You can actually call it whatever you want.
@{wtype}&{template:atk} {{mod=@{repeating_attack_$0_atkbonus}}} {{rname=[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkname}](~@{character_name}|repeating_attack_$0_attack_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkname}](~@{character_name}|repeating_attack_$0_attack_crit)}} {{r1=[[1d20cs>[[{@{default_critical_range},@{repeating_attack_$0_atkcritrange}}kl1]] + @{pb}[PB] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkattr_base}+0]][Ability] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkmod}+0]][Bonus] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkmagic}+0]][Magic]]]}} {{always=1}} {{r2=[[2d20k1cs>[[{@{default_critical_range},@{repeating_attack_$0_atkcritrange}}kl1]] + @{pb}[PB] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkattr_base}+0]][Ability] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkmod}+0]][Bonus] + [[@{repeating_attack_$0_atkmagic}+0]][Magic]]]}} {{range=@{repeating_attack_$0_atkrange}}} {{desc=@{repeating_attack_$0_atk_desc}}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} {{ammo=ammo}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{globalattack=@{global_attack_mod}}}
Yes, it’s a mess.
Push the checkmark to save.

That "t" button is what actually makes it work. Push it to roll with elven accuracy. It causes the first attack you have to roll with elven accuracy advantage.

"t" stands for Tarrasque
Double-Bladed Scimitar of Immolation. Nasty.

It looks like a standard roll with advantage, but if you mouse over the second number, notice that it rolled with advantage. The three numbers here were 3, 10, and 16.

This macro works with crits as well, including expanded critical range. This is a Champion Fighter.

If you want to make it work with the second entry instead of the first, you change all the $0 you see in the big mess of macro to $1 instead. A search and replace will work. You will need to create a second ability with a different name if you want to have both.

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Experimental Elixir

Put this inside a Features and Traits entry on the right-hand side.

&{template:default} {{name=Experimental Elixir}} {{1=**Healing.** The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier.}} {{2=**Swiftness.** The drinker’s walking speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.}} {{3=**Resilience.** The drinker gains a +1 bonus to AC for 10 minutes.}} {{4=**Boldness.** The drinker can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll and saving throw they make for the next minute.}} {{5=**Flight.** The drinker gains a flying speed of 10 feet for 10 minutes.}} {{6=**Transformation.** The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the [alter self]( spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.
The line break after the initial }} is intentional. Make sure it’s there.
It’s not possible to make it roll the d6 for you without a Pro subscription and API access.

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Vampiric Touch

We’re going to put some garbage in the damage and crit fields of this macro. If you know the spell Vampiric Touch then don’t code it into the spells section. Leave it set to display text via spellcard. Let’s add this macro manually:

Set Spell Attack Bonus yourself if you have a +1 focus or similar. It won’t populate this one automatically.

Now, in the damage field, copy and paste this entire thing.

0]]}} [[[[floor(([[[[?{Cast at level|Level 3,3|Level 4,4|Level 5,5|Level 6,6|Level 7,7|Level 8,8|Level 9,9}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]])/2)]][Half of the damage dealt]]] [[[[floor(([[[[?{Cast at level}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]]+[[[[?{Cast at level}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]])/2)]][Half of the damage dealt]]]  {{dmg1=$[[3
Unholy mess.

Put this one in the crit field:

0]]}} {{dmg1=$[[4]]}} {{crit1=$[[9

Check the box on the second damage, and name the damage type Healing or similar. Then put this there:

0]]}} {{dmg2=$[[7
Place this in the second crit field:
0]]}} {{dmg2=$[[15

You should see something like this:


When you roll damage for the macro, it’ll ask you which level you cast the spell at, and do all of the math accordingly. Notably, the “half of the damage” is actually half of what you rolled. It is not half of another roll of the dice. It’ll look like this:

It’s a bit more obvious if you crit though:

“Traneptora” I hear you cry. “I’m a life cleric.”

Life Domain Clerics restore additional hitpoints whenenver they restore hitpoints to a creature with a spell. This is the first-level feature. This includes themselves, and it includes restoring hitpoints with a spell after it is cast, so it works with Vampiric Touch. The extra HP restored is L + 2 where L is the level of the spell that was used to restore hitpoints. (And by extension, Ratio = 2).

These macros can include the life cleric bonus baked in. Instead of using the above copypastas, you should use this one instead:

0]]}} [[[[floor(([[[[?{Cast at level|Level 3,3|Level 4,4|Level 5,5|Level 6,6|Level 7,7|Level 8,8|Level 9,9}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]])/2)]][Half of the damage dealt] + [[?{Cast at level} + 2]][Life Cleric]]] [[[[floor(([[[[?{Cast at level}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]]+[[[[?{Cast at level}]]d6[Level: ?{Cast at level}]]])/2)]][Half of the damage dealt] + [[?{Cast at level} + 2]][Life Cleric]]]  {{dmg1=$[[3
Holy mess.
In the crit field:
0]]}} {{dmg1=$[[5]]}} {{crit1=$[[10
“Damage” 2: (aka healing)
0]]}} {{dmg2=$[[8
Crit 2:
0]]}} {{dmg2=$[[17

Executing it should look something like this:


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