Airstrike Cooldown Calculator
Choose a ship from the dropdown.
Modify her reload stat if necessary (in case she’s oathed, is under level 125, etc.)
Enter any relevant bonus modifiers. These are not automatically generated.
Choose the ship’s equipment.
to show/hide instructions)
Do not adjust the plane cooldowns based on the equipped in-game numbers. Those are reload-adjusted. This calculator already handles that.
In-game does not take into account the 0.1s absolute cooldown. This calculator does.
The initial cooldown adds 1.5s based on in-game code. In practice, the fight may start slightly later or sooner depending on lag and some fight-specific factors.
If something is off by 0.01s, that’s due to rounding. This calculator rounds to the nearest 0.01s.
Watch out for cat skills, not just talents. Bisharmaru and some others can change RLD stat for the flagship.
You can provide custom data for any of the dropdowns by choosing “Other” from the bottom of the menu.
to show/hide tips)
Choose ship:
Base RLD Stat:
without skills, Fleet Tech, or cats
Ship is oathed?
and with 200 affinity
Bonus RLD Stat:
from Fleet Tech and cats
Reload Percentage Buff:
from skills, e.g. from
Queen Elizabeth
Timing Adjustment Aux:
Homing Beacon
Maintenance Manjuu
Cooldown Reduction Percent:
for all airstrikes, for example on
First Cooldown Reduction Percent:
for one airstrike, for example on
First Plane Cooldown:
First Plane Count:
Second Plane Cooldown:
Second Plane Count:
Third Plane Cooldown:
Third Plane Count:
Airstrike Cooldown:
Airstrike First Cooldown:
Approximate Strike Timers:
Exact strike timers depend on some fight-specific factors and can be affected by lag.
Copy link to this calculation
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